Programs & Partners
We mentor the youth with their homework, life skills, and even preparing for job interviews. In order to support the good habits we teach, 2morrowstartz2day has partnered with Give Something Back. Give Back helps students who face significant financial challenges and those who have experienced barriers to success such as foster care, homelessness, or the incarceration of a parent. Our mentoring supports 8th grade to 10th grade students to keep up a minimum of 3.0 GPA so they can earn a scholarship. Scholarship applies to one of 3 colleges. Beyond their education, we create individualized plans to help them grow as a whole person.
Community Outreach & Activism
2morrowstartz2day is a voice for the voiceless. When unfortunate events take place in our community, Jaron Nabors is out there talking to people. The activism sometimes mean being a calm voice between the people and the police. More often it means working to connect the community with helpful resources they didn’t know existed. We serve wholeheartedly by leaning on our network and influence to our neighbors the attention & support they need.